Admissions to Service

General Service Information

Admissions can be either through emergency placements 24 hour a day 7 days a week with a response of no more than 4 hours, which avoids the need to seek out alternative high dependency services following acute crisis. Admission can also be planned and follow a period of transition work. This includes gradual in-reach to existing placements to aid adequate relational care of each person.

We understand that this transition may sometimes be a lengthy process and that moving can be fraught with anxieties and reminders of previous difficult experiences. Camino Healthcare Group is committed to engaging in substantial transition work to aid the building of trust to enable a person to make a safe and successful move.

Prospective referrers may consider referrals of people who have learning disabilities, autism and mental health difficulties.

Prior to any admission to Camino Healthcare Group will carry out an assessment undertaken by the registered manager or another health professional, and will include:

Prior to any admission to Camino Healthcare Group will carry out an assessment undertaken by the registered manager or another health professional, and will include:
  • Discussion with referring team
  • Review of key documentation:
    • recent clinical reports (MHRT report, CPA review report, MDT clinical assessment and formulation reports)
    • up-to-date HCR-20 or other risk assessment tool
    • copy of clinical entries from previous 3 months
    • summary of risk incidents
  • Interview with the individual where appropriate
  • Interview with carer/family member (if possible)
  • Completion of questionnaires

The assessment will be completed, and feedback provided to the referrer within 7 days.

This list is not exhaustive, and each member of staff will have their own personal development plan, that is formulated and agreed to ensure ongoing professional development in their relevant areas of expertise.

Camino Healthcare Group operates a robust and restorative system of supervision via individual sessions, team discussion and reflective group learning. The supervision process supports individuals to take responsibility for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and professional well-being.

Innovative Mental Healthcare

We are passionate about what we do and we do it at the highest standard.